Patrimonio Familiar y Vivienda Principal / Family Assets and Main Dwelling

La Ley 66 de octubre de 2017 (reglamentada por el Decreto Ejecutivo 363 del 4 de diciembre de 2018) introdujo algunas novedades al Código Fiscal, entre ellas, los conceptos de Patrimonio Familiar Tributario y Vivienda Principal. El Patrimonio Familiar Tributario corresponde al bien inmueble destinado al uso permanente por el propietario del inmueble con fines habitacionales con Continue Reading…


Que dice la Ley sobre esto? Articulo 40 del Decreto Ley No.3 de 22 de febrero de 2008, Ley 113 de 10 de diciembre de 2013. El cual lee como sigue: Articulo 40: La salida del territorio nacional de toda persona menor de edad panameña o extranjera que se encuentre bajo cualquiera categoria migratoria, sera Continue Reading…

Where do you want to go? El Valle de Anton

El Valle de Anton is a town located in the Cocle Province of Panama. It is situated in the crater of an extinct volcano and surrounded by the lush green mountains of the Anton Valley. The town is located approximately 120 kilometers west of Panama City and has a population of around 7,000 people. The Continue Reading…

Exploring Merca Panama: Visiting the Vibrant Produce Market

Introduction: If you’re planning a trip to Panama City and looking to experience its rich culture and history, look no further than Merca Panama market. This bustling marketplace is an iconic destination, offering visitors an authentic taste of Panamanian life. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about Merca Continue Reading…

Sea Cliff Beach

This time we will tell you briefly about Sea Cliff beach, a virgin, public and beautiful beach of the Pacific with a mixed surface of white sand and shallow sea and its bottom goes down smoothly. Ideal for swimming or practicing all kinds of water sports. It is located about 10 to 15 minutes after Continue Reading…