Establish a business in Hong Kong, Singapore and United Kingdom with our Experts

Establishing a business in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom can be a straightforward process, as these locations are known for their business-friendly environments. However, specific requirements and procedures may vary slightly in each jurisdiction. Here’s a general overview of what you need to consider when establishing a business in these countries:


Hong Kong:

  1. Business Structure: Decide on the type of business entity you want to establish, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited liability company.
  2. Company Name: Choose a unique name for your company and ensure it complies with the Companies Registry guidelines.
  3. Registered Office and Company Secretary: Appoint a registered office address in Hong Kong and a company secretary who must be a resident in Hong Kong.
  4. Incorporation: The constituent documents of this jurisdiction are the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation which are similar to those of most common jurisdictions. The corporate seal is mandatory.
  5. Business Registration: Within 7 business days of incorporation. They have a public registry with a modern and sophisticated system which makes the processing of documents fast and efficient.

The administration is relatively simple if the activities of the company are not complicated and are carried out outside Hong Kong.

  1. Permits and Licenses: Depending on your business activities, you may need to obtain additional permits or licenses from relevant government departments.
  2. Taxation: Full exemption from taxation on any business activities or transactions carried out outside Hong Kong.



  1. Business Structure: Choose a suitable business structure such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or private limited company.
  2. Company Name: Select a unique and acceptable company name, following the guidelines provided by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
  3. Directors and Shareholders: Appoint at least one director (local resident) and at least one shareholder (individual or corporate entity) for your company.
  4. Registered Address and Company Secretary: Provide a local registered address and engage a qualified company secretary within six months of incorporation.
  5. Incorporation: The necessary documents, include the Memorandum and Articles of Association which are submitted to ACRA.
  6. Licenses and Permits: Some business activities require specific licenses or permits from relevant government agencies. Check if your business falls under any such category.
  7. Taxation: Understand Singapore’s tax system, including goods and services tax (GST) obligations, corporate income tax, and employee taxation.


United Kingdom:

  1. Business Structure: Determine the most suitable business structure, such as a limited liability partnership (LLP), or private limited company.
  2. Company Name: Choose a unique and permissible name for your company, adhering to the guidelines set by Companies House.
  3. Directors and Shareholders: Appoint at least one director and at least one shareholder (can be the same person) for your company. Directors must meet certain requirements.
  4. Registered Office Address and Company Secretary: Have a registered office address in the UK, and appoint a company secretary (optional, but recommended).
  5. Incorporation: Prepare the required documents, including Memorandum of Association, and Statutes.
  6. Licenses and Permits: Depending on the nature of your business activities, you may need specific licenses or permits from relevant authorities or regulatory bodies.
  7. Taxation: Understand the UK tax system, including corporation tax, value-added tax (VAT), and employer obligations for payroll taxes.


It’s important to note that the above steps provide a general overview, and it’s advisable to consult with professionals such as our lawyers who specialize in each respective jurisdiction to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

For further information, kindly contact us through our web page at or by whatsapp (507) 6738-6253.

Julisa Jaramillo

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