
Establish a business in Hong Kong, Singapore and United Kingdom with our Experts

Establishing a business in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom can be a straightforward process, as these locations are known for their business-friendly environments. However, specific requirements and procedures may vary slightly in each jurisdiction. Here’s a general overview of what you need to consider when establishing a business in these countries:   Hong Continue Reading…

Is there any other kind of Investor Visa in which I can apply in Panama?

Yes, there is another way which is through the Agricultural (Reforestation) Visa. To apply to this category of Visa, Applicant have to invest in at least $100k in a project of reforestation and they will grant a temporary residency of two years first and then you apply to get the permanent residency. However, if Applicant Continue Reading…

Do you know about Visas for Investors that Panama offers?

Yes, of course, Panama offers two popular residency programs for foreign individuals: the Qualified Investor Visa and the Friendly Nations Visa. Here are some key points about each program:   Qualified Investor Visa: Requirements: To qualify for this visa, individuals must make a significant investment in Panama. The minimum investment amount in the purchase of Continue Reading…

Can Italian citizens apply for legal residency in Panama?

Panama – Italy Treaty Visa The visa for Italian citizens was created in Law 15 of 1966 – called the Friendship, Business, and Navigation treaty between the Republics of Panama and Italy – with the objective to encourage Italians to establish economic and professional activities in Panama. This treaty also allows Italians the freedom to Continue Reading…

Why Expats love PANAMA?

Expats love Panama for several reasons:   Natural Beauty: Panama is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and picturesque mountains. The country offers abundant opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and birdwatching.   Climate: Panama has a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round. Expats appreciate the pleasant weather Continue Reading…