Certified Translation

Traduccion de Documentos

Tenemos una vasta experiencia en traduccion de documentos de contenido legal, medico, historico, comercial entre otros. Igualmente ofrecemos el servicio de Interprete Publico Autorizado en entrevistas maritales en las oficinas del Servicio Nacional de Migracion, bodas, etc.

Certified Translation

We have an extensive experience in translation of documents with content of: legal, medical, history, commercial among others. We have offer the service of Certified Public Interpreter for maritual interview at National Immigration Service Office, weddings, etc.
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Public Registry

Registro Publico

*Inscripcion de Escrituras Publicas * Obtencion de Certificaciones * Presentacion de Memoriales * Solicitud de actualizaciones

Public Registry

* Registration of public deeds * Obtainment of certifications * Submission of Written Memorials * Request for updating of records
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Legalizations & Apostille

Legalizacion de documentos

Ofrecemos el servicio de legalizacion de documentos ante Consulados/Embajadas de otros paises acreditados en nuestro territorio al igual que la Apostilla de documentos para paises que estan suscritos al Convenio de la Haya.

Legalizations & Apostille

We offer the service of legalization before Consulate & Embassy of other countries accredited within our territory as well as Apostille of documents to be used in countries that are subscribed to the Hague Convention.
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Panama City, Panama

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Opening Hours

Mon – Fri: 8:00 – 17:00

Sat: 8:00 – 12:00