HOLY WEEK in Panama

Holy Week (or Semana Santa in Spanish) in Panama is celebrated during the week leading up to Easter Sunday. The dates for Holy Week vary from year to year, as they are determined by the lunar calendar.

In 2023, Holy Week in Panama will start on Sunday, April 2nd (Palm Sunday) and end on Sunday, April 9th (Easter Sunday).

It’s important to note that Holy Week is a significant holiday in Panama, and many businesses and services may have reduced hours or be closed during this time. Some governmental offices will be closed on Thursday, 6th and Friday, 7th of April. Additionally, many people travel to visit family or participate in religious observances during Holy Week, so it’s important to plan ahead if you’re traveling to or within Panama during this time.

Holy Week (or Semana Santa) is a also a significant religious holiday, and it is celebrated in various ways throughout the country. Here are some of the common ways Panamanians celebrate Holy Week:

  • Processions: Many towns and cities in Panama hold processions, which are typically religious processions where people march through the streets, carrying statues of saints and other religious figures. These processions usually take place during the day and can be very elaborate, with people dressed in traditional clothing and sometimes even reenacting biblical scenes.
  • Beach trips: Holy Week in Panama also marks the start of the beach season, and many people take advantage of the holiday to go to the beach. The most popular beaches in Panama during Holy Week are in the Azuero Peninsula, such as Pedasi, Las Tablas, and Chitre.
  • Fasting and prayer: Many Panamanians also observe religious customs during Holy Week, such as fasting and prayer. Some people choose to abstain from certain foods or activities during this time as a form of sacrifice and penance.
  • Traditional foods: Holy Week is also a time when many traditional Panamanian dishes are served. One of the most popular is “torrejas,” which are sweet fritters made from bread soaked in milk, cinnamon, and sugar.
  • Visiting churches: Holy Week is a time for reflection and contemplation, and many people visit churches and other religious sites during this time to participate in Mass, pray, or light candles.


Traditional foods

In Panama, there are several traditional foods that are commonly consumed during Holy Week. Here are some of them:

  • Torrejas: Torrejas are sweet fritters made from bread soaked in milk, cinnamon, and sugar. They are usually fried until golden brown and served hot with a sweet syrup or honey.
  • Fanesca: Fanesca is a traditional soup that is made from grains, beans, and vegetables. It is typically served during Holy Week and is considered a symbol of unity and community.
  • Arroz con Leche: Arroz con Leche is a sweet rice pudding that is made with milk, sugar, cinnamon, and raisins. It is a popular dessert during Holy Week in Panama.
  • Bacalao: Bacalao is a dish made with salted cod, onions, tomatoes, and potatoes. It is typically served as a main dish during Holy Week and is considered a symbol of sacrifice and penance.
  • Empanadas de Vigilia: Empanadas de Vigilia are savory pastries that are filled with vegetables, cheese, or fish. They are typically eaten on Fridays during Holy Week when many Catholics abstain from meat.
  • Pan Bon (or sweet fruit bread): A traditional dish of Afro-Antillean origin that is made mainly in the Caribbean province of Colon. Sugar, anise, cinnamon powder, crystallized fruits and raisins are the ingredients that give the touch to this chocolate-colored bread, much sought after at this time of the year. This is a food that comes from the first settlements of the blacks brought to the country during the construction of the Panama Canal.

Julisa Jaramillo

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